
Computer Science:

Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greedy,
Graph Algorithms (MST, Dijkstra's, Bellman Ford, BFS, DFS),
and Network Flows (Ford-Fulkerson).

Algorithms and Data

OOD in Java.
Emphasized design principles and MVC architecture.
Projects: Marble Solitaire,
Image Processor

Object Oriented Design

Foundations in machine learning
using Python.
KNN, Decision Trees, Clustering, PCA, and Regression.

Foundations of Data Science

Functional Programming in DrRacket.
Focused on recursion and code abstraction.
Projects: Spelling Bee

Fundamentals of Computer Science I

Programming in Java.
Recursion, OOP, and Implementing Data Structures.
Projects: NBullets, FloodIt,
Maze Algorithm Solver (Spanning Trees, DFS, BFS).

Fundamentals of Computer Science II

Alternative Number Bases (binary, hexadecimal, etc.), Boolean Logic/Operators, Counting, Probability, and Proofs by Induction

Discrete Structures

MySQL, Relational Algebra, Relational Database Models.

Database Design

Supply and Demand Curve Analysis. History review of economics, and cover various economic theories.



Substitution, Elimination, Addition,
and Multistep Synthesis Reactions.
Labs: Distillation, TLC, Extractions,
and other organic synthesis reactions.

Organic Chemistry I

Stoichiometry, Molecular Shapes/Geometry, and
other fundamental concepts.
Labs: Gas laws, colligative properties, Intermolecular
forces, & other foundational techniques.

General Chemistry

DNA Replication, Cell Cycle, Reproduction, Hardy-Weinberg, etc.
Labs: Used NCBI Databases and UCSC Genome Browser
to examine concepts.

Genetics and Molecular Biology

Studied various diseases and
their characteristics (Dementia, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, etc.).
Final Project: studied MRI predictive
modeling in people developing neurodegenerative diseases

Abnormal Psychology

Analyzed the history of psychology and the various
belief systems that were proposed.
Participated in 3 research activities (as a participant)
required by the class.

Foundations of Psychology

Focused on reading/analyzing research papers.
Top of focus: locomotion.
Final Project: Zombie Ant Locomotion

Inquires in Biological Sciences

NMR, Mass Spectrometry, IR-Spectroscopy.
Aromatic activators and deactivators (EAS).
Labs: synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), etc.

Organic Chemistry II

Amino Acids, Krebs Cycle, DNA Synthesis, Fatty Acids.


Aseptic technique, culturing livestock, gram staining, etc.
Final project; investigated fertilizer effect on C. elegans intestinal epithelial junctions.

Biology Project Lab